Our Parish is involved in a Strategic Plan as part of the Thriving Congregations Initiative ministry of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Boston.  

As part of the Strategic Plan, we participated in a Retreat from April 28-30 at the Saint Methodios Faith and Heritage Center along with three other parishes of the Metropolis.  The Retreat was led by Bill Marianes. Our Strategic Planning Team worked diligently over three days and we have created a Why Statement; a Statement of our Core Values; and a Mission Statement.

WHY Statement

To continuously build a community of Christian love pursuing a path of salvation in Jesus Christ


  1. Sharing the Faith
  2. Serving Others
  3. Education
  4. Passion for Participation

Mission Statement

To proclaim the Good News of Salvation and God's boundless love as we journey in the Orthodox Faith



To read our Strategic Plan SMART Goals, you may click here.